Dr. Elyse Park is the lead author of the recently published article in the Journal of Oncology Practice: Health Insurance Navigation Tools Intervention: A Pilot Trial Within the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study. Dr. Karen Kuhlthau is the senior author.

The study highlighted the feasibility of an intervention for childhood cancer survivors designed to improve health insurance literacy and ultimately reduce financial burden.

Park, E. R., Kirchhoff, A. C., Donelan, K., Perez, G. K., McDonald, A., Bliss, C. C., Foor, A., van Thiel Berghuijs, K. M., Waters, A. R., Durieux, N., Leisenring, W., Armstrong, G. T., Ponzani, C., Lopez, A., Vaca Lopez, P. L., Battaglia, T., Galbraith, A. A., & Kuhlthau, K. A. (2024). Health Insurance Navigation Tools Intervention: A Pilot Trial Within the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study. JCO oncology practice, OP2300680. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1200/OP.23.00680