The Smokefree Support Study 2.0 study protocol paper, “Study protocol for a hybrid type 1 effectiveness-implementation trial testing virtual tobacco treatment in oncology practices,” is now available to read online at BMC Public Health!

Persistent smoking among patients diagnosed with cancer is associated with adverse clinical outcomes, yet an evidence-based tobacco use intervention has not been well-integrated into cancer care in community oncology settings. This paper describes the protocol of a nation-wide clinical trial conducted by the ECOG-ACRIN National Cancer Institute (NCI) Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP) Research Base to assess the effectiveness of a virtual tobacco treatment intervention and the process of implementing tobacco treatment in NCORP community oncology settings.

Congratulations to HPRIR faculty and staff, Elyse Park, PhD, Jamie Ostroff, PhD, Brett Goshe, PhD, and Autumn Rasmussen, BA, on the pulication of this work!