Upcoming Mind Body Clinical Program for Cancer Survivors —

Stress Management and Resiliency Training (SMART): Relaxation Response Resiliency Programs (3RP) at Massachusetts General Hospital

The Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center is pleased to offer the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine’s highly regarded SMART-3RP training in an online format on Zoom. This program is
designed to assist patients who have completed cancer treatment by providing critical tools to help them cope with the experience of their diagnosis and treatment as well as adjust to life after treatment.

During eight, 90-minute weekly sessions, this program will help participants:
•Learn self-care techniques, through relaxation, mindful awareness and adaptive thought patterns
•Reduce stress and physical/emotional symptoms associated with cancer and its treatment
•Cope with and manage late effects of treatment
•Promote a sense of control, optimism, acceptance and well-being

Elements of the program include:
Interactive lessons, Healthy behaviors, Group learning, Skills training, Symptom monitoring, and Self-Care

The Mind Body Program for Cancer Survivors is billable to insurance; most insurers cover the program. Pre-registration and a $50 materials fee are required.

Monday evenings beginning September 20th on Zoom 6:30 – 8:00 PM

Tuesday mornings beginning September 21st on Zoom 10:00 – 11:30 AM

For information or to register, email mghsurvivorship@partners.org